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(Loss hair - Hyperhair)

Hair Growth Disorders

What is this?

Hair growth disorders include:

  1. the poor quality – gradual reduction in the scalp

    Check Up Medicus Diagnostic Center Athens. Hair Growth Disorders - breaking nails, Hyperhair in women - children | Financial packages.

  2. male pattern baldness
  3. intense hair growth on hands, face, belly, legs, in women - children

Poor quality – hair loss often comes from:

  1. Lack of trace elements (nutritional disorders – malabsorption – increased losses)
  2. Systemic diseases (autoimmune, chronic inflammations, etc.)
  3. Thyroid disorders
  4. Reproductive factors
  5. Intense psychological issues

In male pattern baldness, the loss can come from:

  1. On the common reasons of poor quality - loss, as they mentioned above
  2. In hormonal disorder

Intense hair growth in women and children, especially in unexpected places, is a sign of a hormonal disorder.


A. Poor hair (nails and skin) quality or even loss of scalp

Laboratory testing detects possible chronic diseases, deficiencies in trace elements – vitamins, thyroid disorders:

General Check Up

It is checked that there is no systemic disease that can participate in the low quality of the scalp.

Γενική αίματος / Αιμοδιάγραμμα CBCΜετρήσεις σε Αιματοκρίτη - Ερυθρά - Λευκά Αιμοσφαίρια - Αιμοπετάλια και εξέταση μορφολογίας τους.
Ανιχνεύονται κυρίως Αναιμίες, Φλεγμονές, Λοιμώξεις, Δυσπλασίες μυελού.
Ενδείξεις - επίδραση χρόνιων νοσημάτων - καταστάσεων
Ταχύτητα καθίζησης ΤΚΕ / ESR
C-αντιδρώσα πρωτεϊνη Υψηλής ευαισθησίας CRP-hs Βραχυχρόνιες κεντρικές αλλά και τοπικές φλεγμονές,
συνεκτίμηση καρδιαγγειακού κινδύνου από ενδοαγγειακές φλεγμονές
Σάκχαρο νηστείας / διώρου GluΣακχαρώδη διαβήτη / προδιάθεση σε διαβήτη
Ουρία UreaΝεφρική λειτουργία
Κρεατινίνη Cr
Ουρικό οξύ UAΑρθρίτιδες, διατροφικές διαταραχές
Χοληστερίνη Ολική CholΤην ποσότητα και αναλογία των λιπιδίων του αίματος ως
- βασικός δείκτης μακροχρόνιου κινδύνου σε καρδιαγγειακά
- δείκτη μεταβολικού προφίλ
Χοληστερίνη HDL
Χοληστερίνη LDL
Τριγλυκερίδια Tgl
Αθηρωματικός δείκτης
γ-γλουταμινοτρανσφεράση γ-GTΗπατική λειτουργία, πιθανή ενόχληση του ήπατος από χημικούς παράγοντες ή λοιμώξεις
Τρανσαμινάσες ALT & AST
Γενική ούρωνΠαθολογία και λοιμώξεις σε νεφρά και κύστη

In situations of Ferrum deficiency (dietary iron deficiency, malabsorption, loss) the hair thins, breaks, and falls.

A possible deficiency of vitamins degrades the quality of the scalp. The vitamins folic acid (Folic acid) and B12 (Vit. B12):

A necessary trace element for the healthy composition of the hair and for the maintenance of the hair.

They are the basic tests to check the functionality of the thyroid, in order to rule out possible hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, disorders that affect the quality of the hair.

If they are found low levels of folic acid, vitamin B12, and zinc, we recommend additional testing of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, in order to evaluate the nutritional supplements that should be given in order to strengthen hair growth.

Β. In male pattern baldness

The additional check of a possible hormonal disorder includes measurements of antigens:

  1. Testosterone / Free testosterone
  2. Dehydrotestosterone DHT

C. Increased hair growth in children - women

An assessment is made of the body's hormonal profile with particular emphasis on the ratio of androgens and estrogens:

  1. LH (luteinizing hormone) /FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)
  2. Testo (testosterone) Main androgen
  3. DHEA-S (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate) Secondary androgen
  4. Δ4-epiandrostenedione Secondary androgen
  5. SHBG Sex-binding protein
  6. E2 (Estradiol) Main estrogen
  7. PRL (prolactin)


As a preparation for the morning blood draw and the medical test, we recommend:
  1. having a meal the night before.
  2. taking up your last meal 11-12 hours before the blood draw.
  3. to have the evening with as little animal fat as possible (if it contains cheeses, fatty dairy products, and meats).
  4. taking no meal in the morning, except coffee and a piece of toasted bread, with free drinking of water.
  1. The results are given the next working day
  2. We recommended sending the results by email for a faster receipt


The individual tests are prescribed and a fee applies according to the referral


  1. Hair loss check at 128.50 euros (original price at 213 euros)
  2. Male alopecia hormones at 55.50 euros (original price at 74 euros)
  3. Hormonal profile in women – children 110.25 (initial 147 euros)
  4. The optional testing of vitamins A, C, and E has additional charges

Information selected - indicative with sources: Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests - J.Wallach and

The choice and explanation of the use of the analysis is the exclusive responsibility of your doctor

Edited by : Ioannis Grattisia Head of Laboratory / MSc Clinical Biochemistry - Molecular Biology

2022 - 2023

Biopathology Diagnostic Laboratory | Microbiological | Molecular | DNA | Ultrasonic | EOPYY – Clinic

Diagnostic: Director Biochemist I. Gratsia - Biopathologist I. Katsavochristos / M. Kolokouri - Radiologist S. Alagiannis

Doctors: General Practitioner X. Chrysanthaki - Endocrinologist E. Typhoxylou – Cardiologist A. Castanas - Neurologist C. Karagiorgis - Urologist K. Psyllias - Pulmonologist Zafiria Barbaressou

Liability & Responsibility Ethics in Biomedical Science - Personalised Medical Practice with Courtesy and Empathy

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Biopathology Diagnostic Center – Athens | Medical Center Check Up Medicus | Checkup – Blood tests – EOPYY.

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