Check Up Plus and additional:

  • Glycated Hemoglobin HBA1c
  • CPK
  • LDH
  • AMY
  • Bilirubin (Total – Direct – Indirect)
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Ferritin
  • Proteins (Total) – Albumin – Globulins

Preparation for morning blood draw and examination:

  1. Mandatory meal the night before, 11-12 hours before the blood draw.
  2. The evening meal should contain the least possible animal fats (if consuming cheese, fatty dairy products, and meats).
  3. In the morning, no meal should be taken except for coffee and one toast, with unrestricted water consumption.

For taking urine :

  1. Collect the first morning urine.
  2. Wash the area thoroughly with plenty of water, without soap.
  3. Discard the initial urine stream and collect a small amount from the midstream in a special urine container.

Results are given within a day

Results can also be sent via email.

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