Mental Health

Question put to the Dalai Lama:

Mental Health

– What surprises you the most about humanity?

– The man himself!

…because he sacrifices his health to make money, and then sacrifices his money to regain his health.

And then he is so anxious about the future that he doesn’t enjoy the present, and as a result, he doesn’t live in the present or the future.

He lives as if he will never die and dies without ever having lived, in fact.

American studies have shown that under normal conditions, physical problems have a psychogenic origin in 40%!

  • general unwellness – sense of health
    musculoskeletal pains
  • gastrointestinal dysfunctions
  • weight disorders (metabolic syndrome) – hormonal
  • autoimmune diseases – thyroid gland disorders
  • infections
  • food intolerance – poisonings – medication can be directly related to psychological issues. So is their resolution.

In this context, we cooperate with the Laboratory for the Investigation of Human Relationships, which operates a Therapeutic – Counselling sector staffed by psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, child psychiatrists, counsellors and special educators, specialised in the systems approach.

He can be contacted by adults, adolescents and children, couples and families facing:

  • Problems with relationships with self and others.
  • Difficulties in the professional environment.
  • Psychosomatic manifestations.
  • Phobias, panic attacks, depression, generalised anxiety and other clinical disorders.
  • Child and adolescent relationship management problems.
  • Addressing learning difficulties.
  • Diagnosis – Psychological assessment

More information can be found at or by calling 210 8063665 , 210 6129290

Modern science and the medical community increasingly recognise the close link between mental and physical health. American studies have shown that 40% of physical problems are psychogenic under normal conditions. Therefore, an integrated approach combining psychology, nutrition and physical examinations is a fundamental pillar for the treatment of health problems.

Physical problems such as musculoskeletal pains, gastrointestinal dysfunctions, weight disorders, autoimmune diseases, infections, food intolerance and medication can be directly related to psychological issues. This interaction plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. Therefore, in order to address them effectively, an approach that takes into account both the physical and psychosocial aspects of health is needed.

In this context, collaboration with the Human Relations Research Laboratory is a critical part of the effort for integrated treatment. The therapeutic-counseling sector of the workshop has experienced psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, child psychiatrists and special educators, specialized in the systemic approach. This sector provides support to adults, adolescents and children, couples and families facing various problems.

This approach focuses not only on treating the symptoms, but also on analysing the underlying causes of the problems. It provides the opportunity to address relationship problems, professional difficulties, psychosomatic manifestations, phobias, panic attacks, depression and other clinical disorders.

The specialists of our laboratory(Check Up Medicus) undertake to provide psychotherapeutic support and counselling sessions, providing tailored solutions for each case. Working with the workshop enables people of all ages to effectively deal with their life challenges and improve their mental, physical and social wellbeing.

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Biopathology Diagnostic Center | Athens

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Informative Blogs:

Biopathology Diagnostic Center – Athens | Medical Center Check Up Medicus | Checkup – Allergy Test – Blood Tests – Prices – Cost – Covid-19 Test | EOPYY.

Panormou Diagnostic Center 40, Ampelokipoi | Diagnostic Center Alexandra Avenue 110 | Diagnostic Center Prykiponnision 24, Gyzi Polygono Kypseli

Check Up Medicus


At Check-Up Medicus you can come for a blood draw without an appointment

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