What is it:
The COVID – 19 Rapid Test Antigen is the rapid test for the detection of active infection by the corona virus COVID-19 with a detection sensitivity of 93%.
It is a direct test and detects the virus itself during the period of infection, from about the 5th day after the first contact.
Where it is used:
With data recording that the infection can be asymptomatic up to 80% of the time, the use of the test is primarily for preventive reasons, and secondarily for diagnostic purposes.
As a prevention test* used in asymptomatic patients for:
- protection of familiar persons
- safe gathering of large groups of people (camps)
*It is necessary to calculate the time of 5 days required after possible contact with the virus, in order to effectively detect the virus. For example, a new arrival in the country from abroad – without symptoms, it would be good to be checked after a five-day quarantine, so that the time of the trip is included as a detection time.
As a diagnostic test, used to assess symptoms:
- cold (fever – cough – runny nose)
- acute cachexia
- secondary symptoms of infection such as diarrhea – loss of smell – taste
Due to the very high specificity, the positive result is considered a TRUE POSITIVE
Due to the relatively high sensitivity, we recommend that the negative result be confirmed with the corresponding molecular detection test in cases:
- symptoms
- Dangerous contact with a confirmed case
- doubt of the negative result
Your tests with analytical systems and reagents top quality SIEMENS-USA BECMAN COULTER-USA

- No kind of preparation is required
- Sampling is done by simply taking a nasopharyngeal smear using a special swab, in a bloodless way and with the least possible discomfort
- The reception takes place outside the laboratory for the safety of both the examinee and the staff.
Results Time
- Result within 20 minutes of taking the sample.
Private cost of individual test (COVID – 19 Rapid Test Antigen) 10 euros*.
The exam is NOT prescribed to ΕΟΠΥΥ
*25% discount applies when participating in Check Up
e – Booking via Doctor Anytime at: Cardiologist – Neurologist– Diagnostic Tests
Informative Blogs: checkup.com.gr – nosileftis24.gr– syntagografisis.gr – testcovid.gr
Biopathology Diagnostic Center – Athens | Medical Center Check Up Medicus | Checkup – Allergy Test – Blood Tests – Prices – Cost – Covid-19 Test | EOPYY.
Panormou Diagnostic Center 40, Ampelokipoi | Diagnostic Center Alexandra Avenue 110 | Diagnostic Center Prykiponnision 24, Gyzi Polygono Kypseli
At Check-Up Medicus you can come for a blood draw without an appointment
The COVID-19 Rapid Test is an important tool in the fight against the pandemic. Through the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the Rapid Test contributes to the rapid identification of infection and the control of the spread of the virus.
The Rapid Test for COVID-19 usually involves demonstrating a sampling method, such as taking a sample from the person’s nasopharynx or pharynx, and using a test that detects the antigens or antibodies associated with the virus. The process is usually quick and can be performed in minutes, making it ideal for rapid detection of cases and preventing the spread of the virus.
Rapid Tests are also very useful for screening people who are showing symptoms or have been exposed to confirmed cases of COVID-19. Rapid diagnosis allows the immediate isolation of positive individuals and the taking of the necessary measures to protect their health and the community.
The reliability of Rapid Tests depends largely on their level of sensitivity and specificity. While Rapid Tests provide rapid results, confirmation through molecular tests such as PCR methods may be needed, especially in cases where there is a high chance of a false negative result.
Managing Rapid Test results is just as important as the test process itself. In case of a positive result, the patient should be isolated immediately and inform his contacts so that they can take the necessary protective measures. In addition, the patient should contact their physician for further instructions and possible need for additional tests or treatment.
In summary, the COVID-19 Rapid Test is an effective tool for detecting and preventing the spread of the virus. Through rapid diagnosis and immediate response to positive results, it can help protect public health and minimize the risk of spreading the virus.