STD STD High Risk

INDICATIONS – Significance (STD STD High Risk)

Sexually transmitted diseases are controlled proactively, as they are most often transmitted by people who are not aware that they have them.

This is because the time for the appearance of clinical symptoms – discomfort varies from a few months to several years.

The dangerous sexually transmitted diseases that can be fatal are :

Hepatitis B and C (HBV, HCV): are viral infections that affect the liver.

  • Type B is particularly easy to transmit (even with a sexual kiss). In the acute phase of infection, hepatitis B can become life-threatening. Its early diagnosis is essential for taking appropriate prophylactic measures for the infected person. The hepatitis B vaccine prevents hepatitis B transmission. However, for the vaccine to remain effective, the adequacy of the antibodies (anti-HBs) should be checked at regular intervals to ensure that the need for booster vaccination is covered in time.
  • Type C is more difficult to transmit, but it becomes a chronic infection and is extremely dangerous for the development of fatal liver cirrhosis or liver cancer. Early diagnosis enables the necessary treatment and eradication of the disease before the lesions develop.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV infection that develops AIDS

Its early detection is extremely important for the timely drug treatment of the infection, and its progression to a chronic disease, with a much lower risk.

Syphilis: bacterial infection detected by the VDRL blood test. The disease affects the veins and creates wounds on the skin, making it extremely easy to transmit other diseases. It is easily treatable with antibiotics.


  • If you have been exposed to the possibility of infection with hepatitis – HIV in the last three 24-hours, go or contact the Special Infection Centers of large public hospitals or the KELPNO (tel 210-5212.000 AIDS line 210-7222.222) to be given, if possible, the preventive treatment that avoids the transmission of the infection.
  • If you find that you have any sexually transmitted disease, you should tell your recent sexual partners so that they can be tested too.

Sexually transmitted infections include infections that cause :

  • long-term inflammation and infertility ( uroplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia)
  • embarrassing – periodic conditions ( herpes simplex and genital herpes )
  • cancer of the cervix ( bovine papillomavirus – HPV )
  • urinary tract infections, prostatitis, colitis, urethritis, fungal infections ( common microbes – fungi )


Classical tests using the ELISA technique:

Suggested in screening in people at low risk of infection

  • Australian HBsAg antigen Classic simple test that detects hepatitis B infection. Detection window of about 20 days after the day of virus transmission.
  • Anti-HCV Classic simple test that detects the antibodies that the body develops against the hepatitis C virus.Detection window 2.5 months after the day of virus transmission with a reliability of >95%
  • HIV-Ag (p24) + anti-HIV I/Io/II (ELISA 4th Generation) Classical test for the direct determination of HIV (Ag antigen P24) and the simultaneous detection of antibodies developed by the organism to both types ( I & II ). The test detects the infection about 30 days after the day of transmission with a reliability of > 95%.

DNA/RNA molecular detection test :

They are recommended in screening in people :

  • high risk of infection
  • with a need for an absolute result (e.g. security of family members)
  • with a need to quantify the outcome for treatment monitoring

The available tests are :

  • HBV- HCV- HIV I&II combo molecular test simultaneous detection
  • HBV DNA quality
  • HBV DNA quantitative
  • HCV RNA qualitative
  • HIV RNA qualitative


Your tests with analytical systems and reagents top quality SIEMENS-USA BECMAN COULTER-USA

Check Up Medicus | Biopathology Diagnostic Center Athens | Medical Center | Blood Tests - Prices - Costs - Covid-19 Test - Allergies | EOPYY.
Check Up Medicus | Biopathology Diagnostic Center Athens | Medical Center | Blood Tests - Prices - Costs - Covid-19 Test - Allergies | EOPYY.

For the morning blood draw and
examination, it is proposed :

No preparation is required to take the sample (for High Risk STDs) and it can be done at any time of the day.



Response in 1-5 working days



  • Package hepatitis B & C, HIV, with ELISA Beckman Coulter USA ( HBsAg, Anti-HCV, Anti-HIV i/ii +HIV Ag p24 ) and syphilis (VDRL) at 38 euros – same day response
  • HBV-HCV-HIV-HIV I/II combo molecular test : 190 euros – response in 5 working days
  • HBV DNA quantification in known carriers : 95 euro – response in 1 working day
  • HCV RNA quantification in known carriers : 95 euro – response in 1 working day
Info | Sources

Selected information from sources:

The personalization of the check-up takes into account multiple parameters of personal and family history.

Depending on the case, the selection of tests may require some that are not mentioned on this page.

The exact selection is the responsibility of your attending physician.

Edited by: Ioannis Gratsias, Lab Director / Clinical Biochemist

Certification | Security Standards

Biopathology Diagnostic Center | Athens

e – Booking via Doctor Anytime at: CardiologistNeurologist– Diagnostic Tests

Informative Blogs:

Biopathology Diagnostic Center – Athens | Medical Center Check Up Medicus | Checkup – Allergy Test – Blood Tests – Prices – Cost – Covid-19 Test | EOPYY.

Panormou Diagnostic Center 40, Ampelokipoi | Diagnostic Center Alexandra Avenue 110 | Diagnostic Center Prykiponnision 24, Gyzi Polygono Kypseli

Check Up Medicus


At Check-Up Medicus you can come for a blood draw without an appointment

High Risk STD CheckUp

Check-up for high-risk sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is an important preventive health care procedure. This type of test offers people the opportunity to check for the possible presence of STDs that they may have been exposed to or may not be aware of. STD check-up is even more important for those who are active in sexual activities with a high risk of STD transmission.

This process includes the collection of samples for laboratory tests, an extensive clinical examination and the provision of information on how to transmit and prevent STDs. People who should be screened in such a check-up include those who have had sexual intercourse with multiple partners, those who did not use a method of protection during sexual intercourse, those with a previous history of STDs or those who are exposed to a high risk of STD transmission due to occupational activities.

The High Risk STD CheckUp may include testing for various STDs such as HIV, hepatitis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and other STDs. This process usually starts with a conversation with a sexual health specialist to discuss the person’s history and potential risks. This is followed by the collection of samples, usually of blood, urine, or cotton balls from the vagina or urethra. These samples are then sent for laboratory testing.

The prevalence of STDs is a global public health problem. Early diagnosis and treatment of STDs can save lives and reduce the spread of infection. In addition, people who test positive in STD tests can receive the necessary medical care and proper counselling to treat the disease and prevent its transmission to other people.

Overall, STD check-up is an important process to protect public health and improve people’s quality of life. This approach should be actively promoted by health authorities and supported by public awareness and awareness of the importance of sexual health and STD prevention.

High Risk STD CheckUp

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