Nutritional Adequacy


A diet with reduced intake – absorption of essential nutritional elements affects the body in the long term. As reserves of essential amino acids, essential fats, trace elements and vitamins are depleted, the effects begin at the cellular level in each individual organ, affecting its function.


The lack of nutritional elements may be due to :

  • inadequate nutritional intake ( anorexia nervosa, “special” diets, compulsive eating )
  • increased losses ( autoimmune diseases, chronic diseases )
  • limited absorption by the gastrointestinal tract (celiac disease, gastritis, chron etc.)

Common cases :

  • Elderly patients – with reduced appetite, reduced sense of smell, and/or mechanical difficulty in chewing or swallowing.
  • Acute conditions such as surgery, severe burns, infections and even trauma.
  • People who have been malnourished for some time may have a weakened immune system and a worse prognosis in their disease.
  • Chronic conditions such as cystic fibrosis, pancreatic insufficiency, malignant anemia, and kidney disease,
  • Decreased appetite, difficulty swallowing, nausea, associated with both cancer (and chemotherapy) or with HIV infection.
  • Increased loss, malabsorption and decreased intake can also be observed in patients with chronic drug and/or alcohol abuse.

Over time, the most common symptoms may be

  • degradation of mental functions
  • frequent infections
  • anaemia, weight loss
  • reduction of muscle mass, cachexia, musculoskeletal pains, cramps
  • dehydration of the skin, swelling in the legs
  • menstrual disorders, infertility
  • hair loss, nail deterioration
  • diarrhea

In children, developmental delays may occur, but also particular disturbances in mental function. A severe lack of nutritional elements can lead children to wasting with a thin body, stunted growth, swelling, swollen liver, apathy and stunted development. Deficiencies of certain vitamins can also affect bone and tissue formation.

During pregnancy, adequate nutritional support is vital for the normal growth and development of the fetus and the stability of the pregnancy.


For the assessment of nutritional adequacy, a basic check-up is required.
We then perform the following analyses :
  • Iron (Fe) and ferritin (Ferr) can occur at low levels, in periods of malnutrition – fasting, lack of meat in the diet, but also due to malabsorption from drugs.
  • Dietary vitamins, folic acid, vitamin B12 (vit. B12), are often low in oligophagous ‘vegeterians’ and in older people.
  • The trace elements magnesium (Mg) and selenium (Se) complete the picture of the adequacy of essential dietary trace elements.
  • Leucoma (TP), Albumin (Alb) are the proteins of the blood, which are structural components of all organs as well as the immune system. Their lack causes obvious swelling in the legs.

The urinalysis checks for possible infection, but also for loss of sugars, protein and other metabolites.

Sometimes, additional tests are used to clarify unexpected results to determine the presence or absence of diseases that give symptoms of poor feeding so:
  • ANA, if an autoimmune disease is suspected.
  • RF, for the possibility of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Anti-HIV, test antibody for testing HIV infection.
  • Cortisol, when we have low cortisol concentrations or reduced adrenal function.



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Check Up Medicus | Biopathology Diagnostic Center Athens | Medical Center | Blood Tests - Prices - Costs - Covid-19 Test - Allergies | EOPYY.

For the morning blood draw and
examination, it is proposed :

Laboratory testing requires a simple blood draw with a 12-hour fast and free water intake.

A sample of the first morning urine sample is required for urine collection

No special dietary preparation is required the day before.

Blood collection can be performed at any time of the day ( laboratory hours 7.30 am – 7.30 pm).



Results are given on the same day.



Laboratory tests are prescribed to the EOPYY, with the participation of the patient as specified in the referral (15%, unless otherwise stated)

Info | Sources

Selected information from sources:

The personalization of the check-up takes into account multiple parameters of personal and family history.

Depending on the case, the selection of tests may require some that are not mentioned on this page.

The exact selection is the responsibility of your attending physician.

Edited by: Ioannis Gratsias, Lab Director / Clinical Biochemist

Certification | Security Standards

Biopathology Diagnostic Center | Athens

e – Booking via Doctor Anytime at: CardiologistNeurologist– Diagnostic Tests

Informative Blogs:

Biopathology Diagnostic Center – Athens | Medical Center Check Up Medicus | Checkup – Allergy Test – Blood Tests – Prices – Cost – Covid-19 Test | EOPYY.

Panormou Diagnostic Center 40, Ampelokipoi | Diagnostic Center Alexandra Avenue 110 | Diagnostic Center Prykiponnision 24, Gyzi Polygono Kypseli

Check Up Medicus


At Check-Up Medicus you can come for a blood draw without an appointment

Nutrition is a critical factor in maintaining health and well-being. Through proper nutrition, we can provide our body with the necessary nutrients to function properly and protect it from disease and health problems. Proper nutrition includes a diverse combination of foods that provide all the necessary nutrients.

One of the main reasons why nutrition is so important is disease prevention. A balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein and healthy fats can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Also, proper nutrition can boost the immune system, helping the body to deal effectively with microbial and viral infections.

In addition to preventing disease, nutrition also helps to maintain a balanced weight and support normal body function. A healthy combination of foods can help maintain a healthy weight, protecting the body from overweight and obesity. In addition, proper nutrition can improve energy and stamina, helping the body to cope with daily demands and activities.

In addition to physical health, nutrition also affects our psychological state and human performance. Eating healthy foods containing nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can improve psychological wellbeing, reducing depression and anxiety and improving mood and self-perception. In addition, a healthy diet can have a positive impact on perception and mental acuity, helping us to face the challenges of everyday life with more confidence and effectiveness.

However, despite the many benefits of healthy eating, its practice can be challenging for many people. Daily demands and the pace of life can make it difficult to find time to cook and prepare healthy meals. In addition, modern dietary trends and the availability of high value-added foods can lure many people into a diet that is rich in processed foods and poor in nutrients.

To address these challenges, it is important to increase public information and awareness of the importance of healthy eating and its benefits. Emphasis should be placed on information about good food choices and the basic principles of a balanced diet to encourage consumers to make healthy and nutritious food choices.

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