Menstrual Flow & Fertility - Disorders

The instability of a woman’s cycle can be caused by many reasons, the most common being :

  • Anaemias
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Infections

These disorders can negatively affect a woman’s fertility even in a decisive way.


Α. Anaemia due to iron deficiency In cases of severe iron deficiency, great instabilities in the cycle may be observed, even amenorrhea for some time.

First screening tests include :

  • Haemogram : assessment of possible anaemia with haematocrit and haemoglobin measurements
  • C-reactive protein – CRP : detection of possible inflammation, evaluated in ferritin measurement
  • Iron -Fe,Ferritin -Ferr : assessment of iron sufficiency and iron stores

Β. Hormonal Disorders

  • LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) : assessment of the intensity of the stimulating hormones for ovarian function
  • E2 estradiol :reflects the functionality of the ovaries at the stimulus of LH – FSH
  • progesterone (PRG) : cycle regulating hormone responsible for the maturation of the oocyte and its vascularisation in the placenta.
  • Prolactin (PRL): at elevated levels it is associated with polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition reported as one of the major causes of infertility.
  • Testosterone, free testosterone (Testo, freeTesto), DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), DHEA-S (dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate), D-4 (D-4 androstenedione0): natural androgenic hormones, which at high levels interfere with the normal cycle by competing with female hormones.
  • Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) and Inhibin B (Anastaltin B): it is recommended to be measured in women over 40 to assess the sufficiency of eggs available for maturation and fertilisation.
  • T3 (triiodothyronine), freeT4 (free thyroxine), TSH (thyroid hormone), anti-TPO (anti-thyroid antibodies), anti-TG (anti-thyroglobulin antibodies): thyroid tests, which check for possible dysfunction of the gland that can deregulate the cycle and cause infertility.
  • CA 125 (cancer antigen 125): a marker of ovarian neoplasia that detects possible endometriosis (inflammation of the ovaries), which is associated with infertility.

Γ. Check for Infections

Vaginal cultures : done to detect infections – parasites that can affect the cycle, and which can even cause infertility if left untreated for a long time. These in summary are for detection in :

  • common aerobic and anaerobic microbes,
  • sexually transmitted parasites mycoplasma, ureoplasma, chlamydia

In cases where the above tests give normal results in an observed infertility condition, further laboratory testing is required as described on the page “Female Infertility – Hidden Factors”



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Check Up Medicus | Biopathology Diagnostic Center Athens | Medical Center | Blood Tests - Prices - Costs - Covid-19 Test - Allergies | EOPYY.
Check Up Medicus | Biopathology Diagnostic Center Athens | Medical Center | Blood Tests - Prices - Costs - Covid-19 Test - Allergies | EOPYY.

For the morning blood draw and
examination, it is proposed :

For laboratory testing of anaemia and hormonal disorders a simple blood test is required.

For hormonal control the intake should be taken on the 2nd-5th day of the cycle.

No preparation or diet is required, and blood can be drawn at any time of the day

Cultures require vaginal fluid to be taken after the 7th day of the cycle


The blood collection can be performed at any time of the day (laboratory hours 7.30 am – 7.30 pm).

The reception of the cultures takes place from 10.00 a.m. – 7.30 p.m. by appointment



The results of blood tests and cultures are given within 3 days.



Laboratory blood – hormonal tests (except Anti-Mullerian – Inhibin B) and cultures are prescribed to the EOPYY, with the participation of the patient as specified in the referral (15%, unless otherwise stated)

Private costs for:
  • Basic blood test package
  • Complete hormonal testing
  • Vaginal cultures (complete)
Info | Sources

Selected information from sources:

The personalization of the check-up takes into account multiple parameters of personal and family history.

Depending on the case, the selection of tests may require some that are not mentioned on this page.

The exact selection is the responsibility of your attending physician.

Edited by: Ioannis Gratsias, Lab Director / Clinical Biochemist

Certification | Security Standards

Biopathology Diagnostic Center | Athens

e – Booking via Doctor Anytime at: CardiologistNeurologist– Diagnostic Tests

Informative Blogs:

Biopathology Diagnostic Center – Athens | Medical Center Check Up Medicus | Checkup – Allergy Test – Blood Tests – Prices – Cost – Covid-19 Test | EOPYY.

Panormou Diagnostic Center 40, Ampelokipoi | Diagnostic Center Alexandra Avenue 110 | Diagnostic Center Prykiponnision 24, Gyzi Polygono Kypseli

Check Up Medicus


At Check-Up Medicus you can come for a blood draw without an appointment

Menstrual Flow & Fertility – Disorders

Menstrual disorders and their effect on fertility are an important issue in the field of reproductive health. Women who have problems with menstruation may experience difficulties in achieving pregnancy and maintaining a healthy pregnancy. The causes of these disorders can be varied and cover a wide range of pathologies and conditions. Their diagnosis and treatment require the diligence of the physician and expertise in this area.

Menstruation is a normal process in a woman’s life, but sometimes problems can occur that affect its regularity. Menstrual disorders can include amenorrhoea, diarrhoea, polymenorrhoea and pain during menstruation. These problems can have a negative impact on a woman’s fertility and may require medical intervention.

The causes of menstrual disorders can be varied and include endocrinological imbalance, psychological factors, immune system disorders and other conditions such as endometriosis and ovarian cysts. The diagnosis of these disorders requires complex procedures, including evaluation of the patient’s history, physical examinations and laboratory tests.

Treatment of menstrual disorders may include the administration of medications that affect the menstrual cycle, demonstration of therapeutic techniques such as the use of hormonal precautions and lifestyle adjustments. In addition, in cases where the disorders are caused by underlying conditions, treatment may require treatment of the underlying causes, such as management of diabetes mellitus or removal of ovarian cysts.

Menstrual disorders can have a significant impact on a woman’s fertility. In cases where the menstrual cycle is irregular or unpredictable, it can be difficult for a woman to identify her period when she is most likely to conceive. In addition, irregularities in the menstrual cycle can affect ovulation and ovulation, making it more difficult to achieve pregnancy.

In addition to the impact on achieving pregnancy, menstrual disorders can also affect the health of the pregnant woman and the foetus. Irregular or inadequate periods can lead to difficulties in estimating the age of the fetus and determining the gestational year, and may also make it more difficult to monitor the pregnancy for possible complications. In addition, menstrual disorders may be associated with an increased risk of preterm birth, hypertension and diabetes during pregnancy.

In conclusion, menstrual disorders are a complex medical problem that affects women’s reproductive health. Their treatment requires the cooperation of specialized physicians and the adoption of individualized therapeutic approaches. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve a woman’s health and increase the chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy.

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